How to Keep Your Eyes on God During Difficult Times
By Megan Wilczek
“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”
-2 Chronicles 20:12b
Have you ever been in a position where you felt like you were drowning and had no idea how to get yourself out of it? You have calculated all the possible outcomes, and it’s not looking good for you. You’re lying awake all night, unable to sleep. Regardless, you come up with no new solutions. Your mind just circles and circles with the same thoughts and scenarios. Does this situation sound familiar?
King Jehoshaphat faced an impossible situation. He was facing multiple armies that he felt powerless against. He was afraid, but he asked God for help and guidance. He told his whole kingdom to fast and pray with him. He praised God as they marched to battle. He even assigned someone to walk ahead of their people and worship…before their prayers were answered…before God granted them any blessing…before He delivered them from their situation. They had their eyes set firmly on God, which allowed them the strength to keep marching forward in their uncertainty, trusting God. God did deliver them from the battle. The other armies turned on each other, leaving no soldiers behind for King Jehoshaphat and his army to fight (2 Chronicles 20).
In light of this passage, how can we change our response to impossible situations?
What does it look like to live this out today?
Talk to God.
Tell God about what you are facing. Tell Him your worries. Ask Him for what you need. Ask Him for guidance.
Go where God is leading you.
Listen to God’s nudge. You might be wondering what that means. The more you practice, the more recognizable God’s voice is. God can use many ways to speak to us, but I will tell you what it usually looks like for me.
Sometimes God gives me a thought. Satan also gives us thoughts, so you will have to use some discernment here. A thought from God will line up with scripture. It will not produce shame or fear.
Sometimes I can just feel in my heart what I need to do. Some people describe this inner feeling like that of your conscience. If I’m ever unsure and don’t listen, if it’s from God, He will keep telling me until I listen.
Sometimes God directs me through scripture. If I’m reading scripture that speaks directly into my situation, I know it’s not a coincidence. We can have confidence that the truths of scripture are timeless. However, it’s important to take scripture in context to be sure we are understanding the message correctly. A good start to understanding context is to read what comes before and after a verse.
Sometimes God surrounds me with a message or lesson that He needs me to hear. For example, recently, God has been speaking to me about my need for control. I have been hearing sermons about control. I’ve read Christian blogs about control. I’ve read scripture about control. I’ve had friends teach me lessons about control. I could go on. I must add that I did not seek these out. They just “happened” to find me. With God, there are no coincidences.
Praise God through the process.
Thank God for the blessings you already have. Thank Him for bringing you through this situation (even though it hasn’t concluded yet.) Thank Him for being amazing, powerful, all-knowing, forgiving, and loving.
Know that God is for you, no matter the outcome.
Sometimes the outcome of a situation isn’t what we wanted. Sometimes it feels bad at the time. Even if you don’t understand what is happening or why God allowed it to end the way it did, know that He is with you. He does want what is best for you. Sometimes what is best isn’t what feels good. Even if you can’t see how good can come from it, know that God can redeem all situations.
Keep your eyes set on Jesus.
Meet the Author
Megan grew up in rural Wisconsin where she was always known as the quiet girl with a book in her hands. Now Megan is working on her lifelong dream of becoming the author of her very own book. Out of her own struggle with trauma and mental health, she created the Jordan Crossings Blog to empower those who are healing from trauma and educate Christians on how to minister to those who are hurting.