Jordan Crossings Blog
Navigating the Waters of Faith & Mental Health
Three Truths When Lies Consume
Several weeks ago, during a string of rough days consumed by depression and anxiety, intrusive thoughts attacked my mind: You are weak, you are unloved, you are unworthy, just give up now. In their wake, they left behind a tear-stricken face and warped identity.
Are You Carrying Too Much Weight?
I was feeling overwhelmed. Burned out. Like a failure. Hopeless. Why is life so hard?
Don’t Believe Everything You Think
Just like the heart can sway and dictate our feelings, our thoughts can direct our actions. The words we speak, the people we avoid, and even the psychosomatic reactions of our own bodies. A few years ago, I hung a phrase up in a prominent spot in our home so that the whole family could be reminded regularly: “Don’t believe everything you think.”
Do You Have an Octopus?
Meet my octopus known as depression…When I met my octopus, it was one tender tentacle twisting at my arm, telling me how
much of a wasted space I was as a person. How I would never measure up to what
others expected and needed of me. Self-condemnation, self-hatred.
Do they know you by your love?
So many people are lonely and craving community, not realizing that what they are craving is the radical love of Jesus. If they aren’t finding it in the church, where are they finding it?
Now Seeking Guest Blog Posts!
Are you a writer? Do you have a story to tell? I am currently looking for guest blog posts about personal experiences with mental health and recovery from a Christian perspective. Whether you have a message or a testimony to share, I’d like to hear it! Fill out the form below or contact Megan for more details: